Friday, January 13, 2006

Welcome Home Sally!

We brought Sally home last night! She seems to be settling in well. James took the day off work so that she could get used to the two of us being home and to help out if she turned out to be trouble. She is an angel. She is partially housebroken, which means she holds it until she's outside but she doesn't tell us that she has to go out. So we're taking her out a lot until we figure out her limits and that's just fine with her.

She doesn't quite know how to play yet. We have a rope toy, a squeaky toy, and a tennis ball for her. She's very interested in them but she doesn't know what to do with them. She knows that we expect her to do something with them and she desperately wants to please us so she just ends up crying when we try to play.

When we picked her up at the vet she remembered James immediately. When we left, I got into the truck and James put her on my lap. As he was walking around to the driver's side she started crying and when James got in the truck she climbed into his lap. So James and I switched so she could ride home in her preferred lap.

She's warmed up to me though. She was pretty tired and she slept most of the evening and this morning. She always wants to be cuddled up to one of us.

I did manage to get a little bit of knitting done on the Isis Wrap. It is now about half way done. More about that later. I have a dog to attend to.


At January 13, 2006 3:02 PM, Blogger brooke t. higgins said...

Oh, she is just precious!! And it is so obvious that she loves you both to pieces. What a sweetie!! I hope she figures out how to play soon... you guys will be so bored, otherwise. Hehe. Happy puppy!

At January 16, 2006 4:00 PM, Blogger Joy said...

Awww... little puppy snuggles for Brenda! She just fits into your family so well! Isn't it sweet when a little being adopts you like that? I miss that about our cat - she's not a lap cat much and when she is, I know she needs something. Once I meet her need, she's off on her own again.


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